P-51 Can Opener

p-51 can opener

P-51 Can Opener

Rp 52.000,00

Product Description

THE P-38’S BIG BROTHER. The P-51 is the larger version of the P-38 used by mess hall cooks to open the big trays and large cans of chow. Easier to use than the smaller P-38, the P-51 is a full 2″ long, the added length affords more leverage and doesn’t require as much thumb pressure to use. Also use as a screwdriver, scraper, prytool, etc… We have them in every car, on every key-ring and in our 72 Hour Kits.  Great for families or friends sending them to their guy’s in Iraq & Afghanistan. Order several today for your daily use, camping, emergency, and survival needs.


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